6 Easy Ways To Completely Transform Your Home in Cincinnati

Are you getting tired or bored of how your house looks like and you would like to build a bit of character? Transforming your home doesn’t have to be unnerving and doesn’t need to cause you a fortune. There’s a lot of simple DIY ways to completely transform your home! It’s important that our homes are comfortable expressions of who we are, and spicing things up from time-to-time can make a big difference in your daily grind. Whether or not the possibility of selling your home is on the horizon, here are 6 easy ways to completely transform your home in NKY or Cincinnati.

Ways To Completely Transform Your Home- Landscaping

Reduce and Reorganize

Anytime you’re feeling like something needs a change in your home, deep cleaning and decluttering may be just the ticket.

By “decluttering” we mean evaluating everything in your home and determining if it’s truly something you need and wants to keep, or if its only purpose is to take up space while collecting dust.

Clean out closets and remove clothing or items you no longer want or need, and consider donating them to a local charity. Don’t forget to extend this process to rooms like the kitchen and bathroom. The kitchen is the center of a home. Upgrading this part of your home will definitely boost up your home value and its curb appeal. You also may find old kitchen utensils or cookware that you no longer have a need for, and they could find use in another loving home.

The Great Outdoors

One of the most noticeable places to start when you want to transform your home is outside of the four walls.

Cleaning your home’s siding, gutters, and even roof with a power washer can give you the contrast you’re seeking while greatly increasing your property’s curb appeal. Washing both the interior and exterior of your home’s windows will be noticed on both sides of the glass.

Taking the time to care for your landscaping will pay off, too.  You can either update your existing one or create a new landscape. This is one way to increase your home’s value and improve its curb appeal. Using a weed treatment at the appropriate time frame specified by your chosen product and spreading fresh mulch in planters goes a long way. You may also add privacy, shade, and protection against wind and snow.


Brighten Things up

While you likely never expected it, a quick trip to your local hardware store’s lighting aisle could yield major changes in how you see your home.

Changing out aging light bulbs for more energy-efficient LED or CFL bulbs will slightly lower your monthly energy bills. For a convenient, modern kitchen lighting option, consider installing diffused LED light strips underneath your kitchen cabinets.

If you’re willing to put in a little more elbow grease, it could be time to replace your ceiling fans to tie a room together.

Embrace Technology

Smart devices are becoming more popular in homes as time goes on.

Smart thermostats are a well-established standard in contemporary homes, with their energy-saving modes, accuracy, and smartphone integration capabilities. Wifi-enabled home security systems and doorbell cameras are also becoming a more visible component in technology-conscious homes.

These systems come in both wired and battery-powered versions if you’re concerned with ease of installation.

We see a growing trend in RGB lighting, which requires specialized light bulbs whose color can be customized on-the-fly through a smartphone app. Colored lighting can help enhance ambiance or kick your home theater experience up a notch.

A Fresh Coat

The old standby of home upgrades – painting – remains a mainstay to transform your home to this day.

If going through all of the motions of painting is a bit much for you at this point, maybe start with just cleaning your walls and ceilings. You’d be surprised how much dust and dirt gets caught on them.

However, if you’re up for the full painting treatment, you’ll be greeted by an overwhelming multitude of paint types and colors. Our best advice when painting is to do some research on paint types, their different uses, and take your time in selecting colors.

Mind the Little Things

Oftentimes the small bits can come together to make a substantial change.

Changing outdated kitchen cabinet knobs or a bathroom shower curtain and rings is all you need to reestablish a room’s elegance.

To take things a step further, replacing an aged kitchen or bathroom sink will bring a new look and feel to the sink area.

Professional Guidance to Transform Your Home in Cincinnati

If your questions are: How can I transform my house? How do I turn my house into a budget? How do I make my home a sanctuary? How do I convert my old house? And you’re thinking of selling and want some professional guidance to transform your home before it’s listed, contact us today at (513) 813-6293! We can provide real estate advice and recommendation all over the Greater Cincinnati area and places like Florence, Erlanger, Milford, Mason, Loveland, Oakley, Fort Wright, and more.



Ways To Completely Transform Your Home- Kitchen upgrade
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