Are you currently searching for a house that you want to buy? Anyone who has ever taken on the task of buying a new home is aware of how much time and effort goes into the initial search to simply find a home that works and feels right for them. Let’s put you in the right frame of mind before you even take that first step by looking into 5 ways to stay organized when searching for a house in Florence.
Know Your Wants and Needs
This first step is a major piece of the puzzle that is often glossed over by your average homebuyer.
Sitting down and brainstorming a list of things you absolutely need to get out of your home versus a list of features you would like your home to have helped to narrow down what you’re looking for and eliminate distractions. A great example of this would be if you live in a temperate climate, having an attached garage with a mudroom could be invaluable during cold winter months where wet coats and boots need a place to dry out.
If you’re having trouble coming up with lists of wants and needs, look through some local listings to get a handle on what features would fit into these categories. Chances are, once you get going, you will start to come up with many more on your own.
Hire an Agent
Once you have a pretty clear picture of what you would like your new home to be like, it’s time to find an agent that is going to take those criteria and make searching for a house in Florence a piece of cake.
It’s a good idea to find three agents and meet with all of them to thoroughly go over your home search scenario, see what unique traits or experience they bring to the table, and ask any questions you may have. You’re looking for an agent that makes you feel both comfortable, confident, and is willing to break things down to a level that you understand.
By talking to three separate agents you should have enough options to pick the right one for you.
Save or Print Listings
As you’re going through your selected listings, find a way to save or print off the listing.
Having a copy on which to add any additional thoughts will be handy down the road, and it will prevent you from losing track of which houses you saw at which times or under what circumstances. This one simple step can and will make the rest of the process of searching for a house in Florence substantially easier by helping you create and maintain that high level of organization.
Jot Down Notes
With your listings ready to go, keep notes on everything related to a specific property right on the listing hardcopy or digital file.
As you’re walking through each property, there will be things you want to remember in the future but could easily forget. In some cases, you may discover that there were inaccuracies or even outright embellishments in the listing, and you want to ensure you don’t walk away and forget about them.
By having your phone at the ready, you’ll also be able to take photos of anything good or bad about the property that you saw in person.
Create a Portable Home Search File
Keeping all of your home search materials together in one place is an absolute must from beginning to end, and we suggest getting a simple folder or portfolio to contain everything.
You can even take the folder with you to showings and open houses while carrying a pen, your chosen listings, a tape measure to check furniture measurements, and any marketing materials or disclosures.
Get Help Searching for a House in Florence
If you’re buying a home in NKY or Cincinnati area property, Team Sztanyo has the experience you need to help make the buying process easier, less time consuming, and we’re on your side to help make sure you get the best deal while we worry about all of the details.
Either way, countless local home owners and investors trust Team Sztanyo to help them wade through the real estate buying and selling process while keeping more cash in your pocket and helping you save the time and headache of working with less experienced brokers.
If you have questions like : How do I organize my home search? How do I start looking for a house? What should I look for when looking at a house? Then give us a call! We take the time to listen to your concerns and answer any of your questions here at Team Sztanyo, with no obligation. Contact Team Sztanyo at (513) 813-6293 today!
If you’re searching for a house in Florence and want professional guidance, contact us today at (513) 813-6293!