Buying your home was probably the largest financial transaction of your life. So you certainly don’t want to do anything to decrease its value and everything you can to increase the value. The location-related factors that can decrease your home value you can’t do anything about, but other factors are within your control. So let’s take a look at the 5 things that will decrease your home value in Mason, OH.
1. Proximity to Power Lines and/or Train Tracks
Proximity to power lines and/or train tracks can decrease your home value in Mason, OH. Although both of these are needed for modern life, being too close to them can lower your home’s value.
You need them for electricity, but it’s just not good to have powerlines too near your home. There’s that annoying nonstop buzz, and they are simply unattractive. In addition, some research has suggested that living too near power lines can help promote certain kinds of cancer and other diseases.
If your home is located near power lines, contact your local Mason, OH agent at (513) 813-6293. Your agent can help market your home to lessen the impact of this value-decreasing feature.
Another factor is close proximity to train tracks. Yes, being fairly near a commuter rail can be a big plus. But if your home is too close to the tracks, its value will decrease. The noise is the biggest drawback, as well as the danger it presents to children.
2. Unusual Upgrades
You need to keep in mind that your home doesn’t exist in isolation, isn’t an island. It is also a part of the neighborhood. That means that whatever upgrades you make to your home should fit with the character and feel of the neighborhood. Not all renovation would add to a home’s resale value. There are particular upgrades that will make your house less appealing to the buyers.
If your upgrades are unusual (when considering the neighborhood as a whole), you may decrease your home value in Mason, OH. For example,upgrading your house by adding a pool in the backyard located at a place that has a cold climate would be inappropriate and impractical. This may cause buyers to have second thoughts on getting your house due to the future unnecessary maintenance that they have to deal with and for that very reason, that may lower the home’s value.
So, again, the best course is to talk to your Mason, OH agent before making any upgrades. An experienced agent can guide you in making upgrades that will increase, not decrease, your home value.
3. Deferred Maintenance and Deteriorating Paint
Two things that almost always lower a home’s value and successfully drive buyers away are signs of deferred maintenance and poor paint quality. Here’s what the real estate pros say about these things and how they decrease your home value . . .
“Have a backlog of serious repairs, such as a leaky roof, damaged siding, or a spluttering HVAC system? If so, it’s best to tackle them ASAP. Letting them languish on your to-do list will only chip away at your home’s property value. What’s more, it’s often more expensive to remedy these issues the longer you wait.”
Something as simple as peeling, deteriorating exterior paint can lower a home’s value a surprising amount. It’s a turnoff for buyers, and that will be reflected in the offers. In repainting, though, you need to be careful about colors that could still decrease your Greater Cincinnati Area home value. Painting your home in an offbeat color is a negative. “Buyers favor neutral colors like gray, white, cream, and beige. So pick your colors with care and repaint the exterior when it starts to look bad.”
4. Bad Neighbors and Foreclosures
The character of the neighborhood can also impact a home’s value. Two things that can negatively impact value are bad neighbors and foreclosures in the neighborhood.
Bad neighbors are typically those who have junk-filled yards, don’t maintain their homes, and/or hold a lot of loud parties. The neighborhood crime rate is also a factor here, as well as the presence of registered sex offenders in the neighborhood.
Foreclosures are eyesores and can easily drive down the value of your home.“A foreclosure close to your home hurts your home’s property value. That’s because appraisers look at comparable selling prices in your neighborhood when estimating your home’s value. What’s more, foreclosed homes may sit vacant without any maintenance for a long time. That also doesn’t bode well for your property value.”
According to research, foreclosures were found to cause an average $7,200 price decline for every nearby home. Another study found that homeowners living within 300 feet of a foreclosed residential property experienced a 1.3% decline in home value — and those 300 to 500 feet away saw a drop of 0.6%.
5. Over-Personalizing
Another thing that can decrease your home value in Greater Cincinnati Area and that is entirely within your control is the amount of personalizing in and on your home. Do too much, and value could go down.
“When a buyer tours a house, they quickly take note of all the projects they’ll need to do. Topping their lists are things like removing quirky wallpaper, painting over unusual colors and replacing conventional fixtures. If you’re going for something offbeat, try to ensure it can be easily removed or reversed when it’s time to sell.”
You need to strive instead for a blank-pallet effect, one that will allow potential buyers to envision your house as their home. Your local agent can help you get this right.
The Agent Advantage
If you have questions such as: What makes property value decrease? Why is my house worth less than my neighbors? What are some of the local factors that can have a direct effect on property value? Then that’s when you need to call on your local agent’s expertise. So if you’re ready to sell and don’t want to see a decrease in your home value in Mason, OH, contact us today at (513) 813-6293.